yawns from jay, sleepy eyes from sheila + busy hands from eli,
looks like our kind of day.
i was going through eli's pictures for his blessing this weekend + stumbled across these.
he's so little, the room is all ours + i remember in that moment,
having a, i need more than a mental image to remember this, thought.
dirty clothes right behind jay, with a load already in the wash.
a box of diapers purchased what felt like yesterday, already out.
a burp rag on the ground because spit up was a think of eli's existence
+ a pup that probably was getting as much sleep as i was...which was nothing.
these were the days.
slow, simple + growing days.
good days.
i know these kind of days will blur into my past someday.
shoot, it already feels like a life time ago, him being maybe 6 weeks?
so i don't want to forget those empty diaper boxes, yawns
+ the slew of toys used to distract our active baby.
good days for sure.

I love this! There is something so special about the blur of those first few weeks with a baby. A sleepless, wonderful blur.