it really hasn't felt super like summer this go around rexburg.
it's too windy + too cold most days.
so on the day that felt like an actual idaho summer evening,
which is one of my most favorite evenings,
jay + i headed out to enjoy it.
i wish i could bottle up idaho nights for you.
the wind through the crops always make for good white noise,
there is always some kind of bird chirping
+ as long as you aren't by a dairy farm, the smell of evenings are warm...if that's possible.
it's like you can smell the ground around you growing.
it hit me that night that this is the last idaho summer we will experience.
we've had amazing idaho summers.
sure, it's changed with eli, but they are still some of my favorites.
here's to hoping i don't soon forget the smells, sounds + feels that come from idaho summers.
dress from here

This post makes me miss Idaho! I lived in Rexburg for a couple years (for school, go BYU-I!) and my husband is from Driggs. I miss it all the time, and I know what you mean by Idaho summer evenings, they are definitely the best.