nothing out of the ordinary happened today.
i was awoken at 5 by hungry cries + into bed eli came.
then 7:45 rolled around + his movement against me pushed me to really wake up,
the everyday reminder that sleeping in is 100% a thing of the past.
but then again, that early morning call is the best part of my day.
he smiled + talked his baby talk until my eyes weren't heavy anymore
+ i got him dress for church,
then fed sheila + attempted to get myself ready before 9 am + jay coming to pick us up.
we made it to church,
eli sleeping through the first hour, spitting up ALL over my dress,
like i said, nothing out of the ordinary was happening today.
but then we came home.
+ we slept until 2:30,
all three of us.
+ eli woke us up with smiles.
+ it rained.
+ he didn't cry ONCE through his witching fact, he barely cried today.
i mean, it was the simplest of days.
nothing really out of the ordinary happened today.
but by the end, as jay laid eli down to sleep,
+ we closed the door to his room,
i realized, i am totally okay with this ordinary.
this simple, routine + truly beautiful ordinary that's our life now.
the early to rise, late to bed?
that's our ordinary.
the spit up over every.single.outfit.
that's our ordinary.
but so are the smiles, the experiencing of life through new eyes,
the growing of personality + the snuggles.
the cries that are only calmed by me + my arms.
+ the feeling of knowing i'm someone's mama + someone's world.
that's my ordinary.
+ today i was just aware i guess of how special it is, our new ordinary.
happy may 15th.
today was the best, ordinary day.

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