my baby boy is two months.
he took his shots like a champ + snuggled the whole day,
am i the worst for selfishly loving the sweet cuddles?
eli is 12.8 pounds, 24.5'' + his head is in the 90th percentile.
dang dude.
while his growing is bittersweet, it been one of my greatest joys to watch his sweet personality grow.
he l o v e s mornings, loves diaper changes + he has really found his voice.
i am loving being a mom more and more each day.
we have our sleepless nights, but weirdly i'm savoring them...he always feels so small in my arms at night + by the way this nugget is growing, i know that won't last long.
happy two months our sweet boy, you sure make life real good.

He is sooo adorable!!