goodbye nathan

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

again, this week that i was in california was THE perfect week to be home for so many reasons
+ this was probably the biggest reason.
my brother left for a two year mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.
he reported October 1st in Provo, but he will be leaving next week for the Denver North Mission!
nathan got his call s u p e r fast.
it was like someone knew that he needed that. 
proud of this kid + i'm very excited to see his growth.
missions change these boys for the better,
giving them the right opportunity to mature, better themselves + selflessly serve 
for two years.
he is also the first son in our family to leave.
as he was getting set apart as a mish, i love what the stake president had to say:
"you prep them their whole lives, yet when the time comes, we are sad."
i laughed because that's true, but it's not a sad sad.
more like a i'm really proud of you, but we'll miss you, sad.
bye bye Elder Fisher! we sure love ya!

ps. here is a video of him taking off!


1 comment:

  1. i loved this, you captured the day perfectly! also, my dad served his mission in colorado & i grew up there. it's the most wonderful place in the world, he will love it!
