baby asleep, emotions full on blast + heart happy is right now. right in the moment.
i need to write down the best day of my life.
i need to make sure that i never forget the emotions that have surrounded 9 months in the making that lead to the most rewarding moments.
march 3rd was my official due date, but for a few months i was always measuring at least a week ahead.
after being diagnosed with PUPPS (basically when you get allergic to your placenta),
i was going to be given the opportunity to induce as soon as i hit 40 weeks which i was terrified of!
i didn't want to play God + "choose" his date.
but when my appointment on leap year came, i knew it was time to schedule this little dudes arrival.
so i told the doctor, can you choose?
+ sunday night it was!
my mom came in the monday before + we spent that week being so lazy/walking curbs + eating pineapple.
so sunday comes around + that was the longest wait of my life until 8 pm when we drove to the hospital.
it was SO surreal, that drive.
the town was quiet + so were were.
tears fell on their own, the excitement was too much to handle.
jay + i walked into the elevator + i kept saying how excited i was!
we had waited for so so long + now it was time.
i was hooked up to my iv's + was given a cervix softener in hopes that my body could push forward on its own. i was 2.5 cm dilated + 75% effaced at that point, but really nothing was happening, so they gave me a sleeping pill around midnight + jay + i settled in for the night.
at 5 am pitocin started and the contractions were really not that bad.
i thought,
hey! i've got this!
but with no progression, the doctor came in at 8 am + broke my water,
which hands down was the weirdest experience.
but that's also when the contractions reeeeeaaaalllyyyy started going.
i got up to wash off + realized i needed an epidural.
so luckily the anesthesiologist was on the labor floor + he got me going on that sweet stuff + life was good.
so 8 am was considered when i started active labor.
+ that's when it basically stopped for me.
hours + hours went by with nothing.
but around 6, i was checked at a 7! then 20 minutes later, i was at a 8!
+ we thought, go time!
again, wrong.
it was at 10 pm that i was fully dilated + ready to go.
we did a few practice labor pushes, i labored down for a while then the doctor came + we started.
i loved labor.
it was spiritual, emotional + raw.
i listened to jay lovingly push me through even though i was exhausted.
his voice carried me through every push + every breath.
i'll forever cherish these pictures of jay because in them, i see the love + admiration my sweet husband has purely for me.
i became so tired though + my pushing was a little off.
i started to regret an epidural, wishing that i could've felt it more, know where to push so i could see my baby already!
but doctor evans did it for me as he started talking about forceps.
i thought, nope, + pushed my soul out.
+ that when Eli slid out + was placed on my chest.
can words do that moment justice?
i'll let you know when i find the right ones.
until then, simply, life has gotten infinitely better.
Eli Loren Hancock.
9pounds 12 oz
21 3/4"
the most perfect, happiest baby.
all ours.
photo's done by the incredible Anna Buys.
PLEASE check out her work here:
we can't thank her enough.
she was there for SO long + did SUCH an amazing job.
we love you for our memories.

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