today I woke up feeling like life was moving along a little too quick for my liking.
today, this preggo lady is 35 weeks.
5 weeks officially left...
i mean, i've had cravings last longer than 5 weeks!
this time is flying by!
jay + i have actually been apart almost the entire month of january.
it's been real rough to say the least, but if the flying by is on my side for anything,
i'm taking comfort that saturday is going to come super quick...i hope.
he's been working these last three weeks in california
+ i've missed him more than i've ever missed him before.
so i decided to pass some time today i would take a break from all my editing + naps
to do a bumpdate + post our maternity pictures!
they are amazing + we will treasure them forever.
thank to you to my good friend kirsten from KNW photography for these memories,
check out her beautiful work here
how far along are you? 35 weeks
today, this preggo lady is 35 weeks.
5 weeks officially left...
i mean, i've had cravings last longer than 5 weeks!
this time is flying by!
jay + i have actually been apart almost the entire month of january.
it's been real rough to say the least, but if the flying by is on my side for anything,
i'm taking comfort that saturday is going to come super quick...i hope.
he's been working these last three weeks in california
+ i've missed him more than i've ever missed him before.
so i decided to pass some time today i would take a break from all my editing + naps
to do a bumpdate + post our maternity pictures!
they are amazing + we will treasure them forever.
thank to you to my good friend kirsten from KNW photography for these memories,
check out her beautiful work here
maternity clothes? well, at this point, i'm fitting into one church dress + maternity leggings + pants are my go to. it would be a joke to even attempt to fit into anything else.
sleep: i've got my good nights + my bad nights. i've learned that sleeping with the window cracked open helps, but i am missing jay when i sleep, so nights aren't as restful as i'd like them to be.
best moments: i've really done a killer job on organizing my nursery. is it cute yet? nope, but it's organized + that makes my semi OCD brain very happy.
missing anything? jay. hands down nothing else compares to my missing of jay. but hey! two more days!!
movement? if you follow me on snapchat, you'd know that this kid doesn't want to be inside me anymore. he kicks like i've never seen a baby kick before. last night was insane...but a week ago, i woke up to feeling this massive movement, like he had flipped breech. yesterday at my appointment, i asked if they could tell me if he was breeched or not + unfortunately he couldn't tell if he wasn't. so next week i've got an ultrasound to confirm where he is at. please baby, for the sake of my sanity, flip yourself back into place.
food cravings: red icees in 20 degree weather.
queasy or sick? i've got my days where i've been feeling under the weather, but i can't complain too much.
gender: boy. crazy baby boy.
symtoms: pain in the downstairs area. it's starting to really hurt being pregnant. i walked three flights of massive stairs a few days ago + i swore i was about to put myself into labor. that was pretty bad.
belly in or belly out? what's a belly button?
happy or moody? moody. i need jay to be home.
looking forward to: JAY COMES HOME IN TWO DAYS. also, i ordered my crib. go me.

i love these pictures, you look so beautiful & your bump is so cute. i'm so excited for you, it's so close!
ReplyDeleteCutest maternity pictures <3 LOVE them all!!!!