everyone has THEIR fall time traditions + i'm sure yours are all very wonderful, but let me take a second to talk about a northern California tradition for fall.
apple hill.
apple hill is the most wonderful of wonderful fall traditions.
imagine a place FULL of apple orchards, pumpkin patches, vineyards, + pine trees
with wonderful mom+pop farms every other address
+ in those wonderful shops are everything apple/fall time you could ever possibly want.
+ it's called apple hill.
as long as i remember my family has always gone here for buckets of apples, pies + cider every october + i haven't been able to go to this magical place for 4 years.
unfortunately jay wasn't able to make this years trip,
(i was back in CA for a job that happened to fall on this very amazing weekend)
+ it was my brothers last day before he left on his mission,
+ it was totally last minute,
but it was amazing.
we found this NEW place. the donuts here were to d i e for.
let me just post a lil photo here
that's an apple pumpkin spice donut with the donut crumbled ON TOP.
even though i REALLY missed my hubs being here to enjoy this day,
it was so nice to get up into the hills for a family tradition.
this place holds many dear memories for me,
i think our family has at least 5 christmas family photos taken here.
don't you love these kind of places?
they will always be filled with lots of family memories + yummy yummy food.
how do YOU celebrate fall?!
ps. if you want to know anything about me + photo's, i secretly l o v e jumping photos....these didn't really turn out ;)
my favorite. Nothing beats Apple Hill in the fall.